@article{oai:shokei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000162, author = {八巻, 正治 and ヤマキ, マサハル and Yamaki, Masaharu}, issue = {59}, journal = {尚絅学院大学紀要, Research reports of Shokei Gakuin College}, month = {Jul}, note = {This paper discusses the concept of "well-being" which is a primary aim of health and social welfare. The ethics of social work are described as follows by "Ethics in Social Work, Statement of Principles, 2004" of IFSW. "Social work is based on respect for the inherent worth and dignity of all people, and the rights that follow from this. Social workers should uphold and defend each person's physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual integrity and well-being." Therefore, I discuss this paper about "physical, mental, social well-being", and "spiritual well-being." Secondly, I review "well-being" prescribed to the definition of social work. Furthermore, I review "well-being" which is also the definition of the health of WHO (World Health Organization). At the last, I analyze from the viewpoint of Christianity faith of the concept of "spiritual well-being", and discuss the importance of "spiritual well-being" at it., 10, KJ00006361539, 論文, Article}, pages = {107--119}, title = {人間のための福祉支援実践論研究 : "Human well-being"の基底としての"Spiritual well-being"について}, year = {2010} }