@article{oai:shokei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000164, author = {安田, 勉 and ヤスダ, ツトム and Yasuda, Tsutomu}, issue = {59}, journal = {尚絅学院大学紀要, Research reports of Shokei Gakuin College}, month = {Jul}, note = {There have been very few reports on treatment for the infant with Stereotypic Movement Disorder who lives in children’s home. Then, this paper reports the treatment method and process (psychosocial Treatment) for the infant with Stereotypic Movement Disorder (head banging, body rocking). The subject is male infant aged 2 y-8 m. He has head banging, body rocking behaviors at the time of going to bed and getting up. Treatment methods were psychosocial treatment, namely, improvement social milieu with the infant and psychotherapy to the infant. And, the basic idea of psychosocial treatment was solution-focused approach. As the result of psychosocial treatment, head banging and body rocking behaviors diminished. The treatment period was 9 months., 12, KJ00006361619, 資料, Materials}, pages = {135--146}, title = {常同運動障害を持つ幼児への心理社会的援助 : 児童養護施設での取り組み}, year = {2010} }