@article{oai:shokei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000203, author = {太田, 健児 and オオタ, ケンジ and Ota, Kenji}, issue = {63}, journal = {尚絅学院大学紀要, Research reports of Shokei Gakuin College}, month = {Jul}, note = {In Moral Education II, Durkheim tried to put a theory of moral education (in Moral Education I) to practical use, to apply "Collective representation" and "Social Realism" in his sociological works at this time , to pedagogy. He result from them, he constructed a theory on "altruism" in the child, established the authority of the secular teacher, developped the school teaching, and reconstructed the role of school as "association" in the third Republic in French. Even so, "Collective representation" and "Social Realism" contributed many ideas to the field of Pedagogy, Moral Laique, and Moral science. Moral Education II is further a works of theory, not only practical manual., 6, KJ00008108600, 論文, Article}, pages = {59--69}, title = {フランス第三共和制期世俗的道徳教育論の諸相VII : デュルケーム中期道徳教育論V : 『道徳教育論』その3}, year = {2012} }