@article{oai:shokei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000293, author = {太田, 健児 and オオタ, ケンジ and Ota, Kenji}, issue = {70}, journal = {尚絅学院大学紀要, Research reports of Shokei Gakuin College}, month = {Dec}, note = {The Elementary Forms of Religious Life is a compilation of Durkheim’s moral science. In spite of Durkheim’s stance on the separation of the Church and the State, this literary work ends up being a study of religion. During his studies during his middle-aged years, Durkheim had presented a“Moral Reality Theory”separated from religion, and asserted“The Three Pillars of Morality.”Both of these ideas, however, converged into “Social Realism”during his later years. While this literary work returns to the study of religion, it concludes that Reason, Understanding, and Logic itself are products of society. It also states that religion itself is a product of society, and that Social Realism Theory, and Social Categorization Theory is a moral science., 5, KJ00010056619, 論文, Article}, pages = {51--63}, title = {フランス第三共和制期世俗的道徳教育論の諸相 XI : デュルケーム後期道徳教育論II : 『宗教生活の原初形態』その2}, year = {2015} }