@article{oai:shokei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000295, author = {今野, 暁子 and コンノ, アキコ and 馬場, たまき and ババ, タマキ and 小泉, 嘉子 and コイズミ, ヨシコ and Konno, Akiko and Baba, Tamaki and Koizumi, Yoshiko}, issue = {70}, journal = {尚絅学院大学紀要, Research reports of Shokei Gakuin College}, month = {Dec}, note = {The purpose of this study was to implement a nutrition education program utilizing town environment learning for elementary school children and to evaluate its outcomes. Changes in knowledge, attitude, and behavior brought about by the educational intervention were investigated in a before–after study.  It was revealed that diet and town-related knowledge were improved as a result of the intervention. It was also clarified that this knowledge was retained even after 2 weeks. All mean values for attitudes regarding diet were higher after the intervention. Similarly, the mean values for attitudes regarding the town were also higher after the intervention. Participation in this program led to changes in attitudes regarding diet and the town, with an increase seen in the number of elementary school children with positive attitudes. Meanwhile, no significant changes were observed for behavior. Thus, it appears that program content may need to be improved and study items may need to be reconsidered in the future., 7, KJ00010056659, 研究ノート, Notes}, pages = {71--81}, title = {児童を対象としたまち学習を活用した食育プログラムの効果 : 知識、態度、行動に着目した前後比較研究による検討}, year = {2015} }