@article{oai:shokei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000311, author = {三好, 敏之 and ミヨシ, トシユキ and Miyoshi, Toshiyuki}, issue = {72}, journal = {尚絅学院大学紀要, Bulletin of Shokei Gakuin University}, month = {Dec}, note = {This example is the report that applied Dohas-hou to three victims by The Great East Japan Earthquake. The accident of Fukusima nuclear power plant after the disaster forced them to live in evacuation shelters, which made their living enviromennt and the situations at home change. They have been living holding varioua stresses without being able to see a future and holding any hope. So I snuggled up to them and helped them to move the parts of their body which were difficult to move. I could make them relieved by adjusting axis of their form and relaxing their muscle. Experiencinng the boldily movements by this method made them relax their hearts as well as bodies. It also made their facial expressions good., 7, P, 論文, Article}, pages = {37--47}, title = {東日本大震災(障害者施設)での動作法の取り組み : 被災者3事例}, year = {2016} }